Sunday, December 23, 2012
Aliments With Crystals
ABDOMEN smoky quartz
ACNE amethyst
AIR PURIFIER quartz crystal
ANEMIA coral, gamet, kunzite, ruby, tourmaline
ANGER blue-lace agate, chrysoprase, moss-agate
ANXIETY smithsonite, howlite
APPENDIX chrysolite
ARTHRITIS azurite, carnelian, ruby
ASTHMA malachite, rutilated quartz, tiger's eye
AURA CLEANSER lapis lazuli
AUTISM sugilite, moldavite
AWARENESS green calcite, orange calcite, celestite
BACK PROBLEMS petrified wood
BLADDER TROUBLE amber, coral, jade, jasper
(poor) citrine, magnetite, ruby, yellow topaz
BLOOD DISEASE amethyst, chrysolite, jasper, ruby
BLOOD PRESSURE aventurine, blue sodalite, black or green tourmaline
BONE MARROW amber, chalcedony
BRONCHITIS rutilated quartz
BURNS chrysoprase
CALMS BODY agate, celestite, yellow topaz, blue topaz
CALMS MIND agate, amazonite, amethyst, srnithsonite, blue topaz
CERVIX zoisite
CHAKRAS BALANCED bloodstone, quartz crystal
CHAKRAS OPENED fluorite, kyanite, quartz crystal
CHEERFULNESS conicalite, ruby, tourmaline
CLAIRVOYANCE chrysoprase
COLDS & FLU yellow topaz
COLIC coral
COMFORT gold calcite, dioptase
COMPASSION chrysoprase
CONFIDENCE, SELF agate, aventurine, bloodstone, orange calcite, diamond,
garnet, rhodonite, tiger's eye
CONVULSIONS amber, amethyst, carnelian, lapis 1azuli, moldavite,
quartz crystal
CREATIVITY amethyst, aventurine, chalcedony, howlite, ruby DEPRESSION bloodstone, gold calcite, carnelian, chalcopyrite,
citrine, smoky quartz, diamond, chrysoprase,
garnet, galena, howlite, jasper, jet, lapis 1azuIi
DIABETES citrine
DIARRHEA quartz crystal
DIGESTION howlite, yellow jade, jasper, peridot
DIZZINESS quartz crystal
DOUBT staurolite
DREAM INDUCER citrine, garnet
DREAMS, INTUITIVE amethyst, jade
EAR (Inner) rhodonite
ELOQUENCE agate, amazonite, blue-lace agate, turquoise
EMOTIONS (bad) peridot
EMOTIONS (blocked) kunzite, blue tourmaline
EMOTIONS - CALMS moonstone, rose quartz
EMOTIONS (erratic) herderite, selenite
ENDURANCE sodalite
ENERGY garnet, hematite, kyanite, rhodonite, ruby
ENERGY (Physical) petrified wood
EYES aquamarine, aventurine, optical calcite, jade, jet, lapis lazuli,
lazurite, obsidian snowflake, peridot, rhodochrosite
EYESIGHT malachite
FAITH sapphire
FEAR (banishes) agate, green calcite, charoite, diamond, jet
FERTILITY carnelian, zoisite
FEVER (reduction) agate, chrysoprase, peridot, ruby
FORGIVENESS rhodochrosite
FRIENDSHIP lapis lazuli, moonstone, rose quartz, sapphire, tourmaline,
FRUSTRATION howlite, moss-agate
GALL BLADDER orange calcite
GLANDS aquamarine
GRIEF amethyst
GROUNDING apache tear, carnelian, fluorite, mimetite, morion crystal,
obsidian snowflake, smoky quartz, tourmaline, unakite
HEMORRHAGE quartz crystal, sapphire
HAPPINESS malachite
HEADACHES quartz crystal, rose quartz
HEALING (general) agate, amethyst, azurite, boji stone, gold calcite, dioptase,
fluorite, kunzite, quartz crystal
HEARING agate, rhodonite
HEART aqua-aura, beryl, blue quartz, chalcedony, hematite, lapis
lazuli, onyx
HIP petrified wood
HOSTILITY (fear of) grossuralite
HUMILITY chrysoprase
HYPERTENSION apatite, aventurine
HYPOCHONDRIA quartz crystal, tiger's eye
IDEALISM bloodstone
IMAGINATION galena, garnet, rose quartz, sapphire
IMMUNE SYSTEM snow quartz
IMPOTENCE carnelian
INFECTION (protection) garnet, pearl
INFLAMMATION blue-lace agate
INSOMNIA amethyst, aventurine, emerald, hematite, jacinth, peridot,
sapphire, blue sodalite, yellow topaz, zircon
INSPIRATION tourmaline
INTELLECT emerald, rose quartz, yellow topaz
INTUITIVE AWARENESS amethyst, green calcite, ruby, turquoise
JOINTS (pain in) azurite
KIDNEYS anhydrite, bloodstone, green calcite, jade, rhodochrosite,
quartz crystal, smoky quartz
KINDNESS chrysoprase
KNOWLEDGE OF SELF citrine, watermelon/pink tourmaline
LARYNGITIS turquoise
LARYNX morganite
LEADERSHIP blue topaz
LIVER aquamarine, beryl, bloodstone, lazurite, yellow topaz,
LOGIC sodalite
LONG LIFE moonstone
LOVE dioptase, emerald, garnet, moonstone, opal, rhodochrosite,
rose quartz, sapphire
LOYALTY kyanite, moonstone
LUCK smoky quartz, tiger's eye
LYMPH GLANDS tourmaline
MEDITATION amethyst, apache tear, aqua-aura, azurite, chrysoprase,
kunzite, magnetite, quartz crystal, selenite, snow quartz,
tourmaline, turquoise
MEMORY howlite
MENSTRUATION carnelian, chrysoprase, malachite, moonstone, ruby
MENTAL BREAKDOWN rhodochrosite, smithsonite
MENTAL CLEANSER lapis 1azuli, malachite
MENTAL DISORDERS beryl, bloodstone
MIGRAINE aventurine, jet, rose quartz
MIND (troubled) jasper
MISCARRIAGE chrysoprase
MISFORTUNE tourmaline
MOUTH beryl
NECK STRAIN chrysoprase
NEGATIVE VIBRATIONS amethyst, chrysocolla, dolomite, fluorite, obsidian
snowflake, peridot, quartz crystal, smoky quartz,
black or green tourmaline
NERVOUSNESS sapphire, turquoise
NERVOUS SYSTEM atacamite, alexandrite, amazonite, amber, aquamarine,
chrysocolla, chrysoprase, galena, jasper, morganite, peridot,
yellow topaz, black or green tourmaline
NEURALGIA amethyst, aquamarine, carnelian
OPTIMISM chalcedony
OVARIES anhydrite, atacamite, chrysoprase, smoky quartz
PAIN - EASES quartz crystal, ruby
PANCREAS alexandrite, green calcite, herderite, rhodochrosite,
smoky quartz
PAST-LIFE RECALL garnet, kyanite, petrified wood, quartz crystal, selenite
PATIENCE chrysoprase
PEACE chrysoprase, larimer, rose quartz, blue tourmaline
PEACE OF MIND sapphire
PINEAL GLAND lazulite, sugilite
PITUITARY sugilite
PNEUMONIA fluorite
PROPHECY emerald
PROSTATE chrysoprase
PROTECTION sardonyx, turquoise
PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT azurite, howlite, lapis lazuli, opal, yellow topaz, blue topaz
PSYCHO-SOMATIC PAIN bloodstone, tiger's eye
PULSE (rapid) hematite
PULSE (steady) jasper
PURIFIER smoky quartz
RHEUMATISM amber, carnelian, malachite, ruby
RIGID MIND sodalite
SCHIZOPHRENIA larimar, lepidolite
SELF-CONFIDENCE galena, ruby
SELF-LOVE rose quartz
SELF-WORTH (lack of) crocidolite
SEX IMPROVED smoky quartz
SHYNESS lepidolite
SORROW EASED chrysoprase
SPIRITUAL GIFTS quartz crystal, blue topaz
SPLEEN (strengthens) albite, alexandrite, bloodstone, green calcite, chalcedony,
herderite, lapis lazuli, rhodochrosite
STAR SOURCES moldavite
STAMMERING apatite, blue tourmaline
STOMACH aquamarine, beryl, chrysocolla, citrine, jasper
STOMACH ULCERS chrysocolla
STRESS amethyst, blue-lace agate, herkimer diamond, yellow topaz
STROKE lapis lazuli
TALENT bloodstone
TEETH aquamarine, fluorite
TENSION (emotional) amethyst, blue-lace agate, celestite, dioptase, tiger's eye
TENSION (muscular) smithsonite
TESTICLES alexandrite, atacamite, chrysoprase, smoky quartz, zoisite
THINKING (improve) amazonite, tiger's eye
THOUGHT (clear) aquamarine, carnelian, celestite
THROAT (chakra opened) blue-lace agate
THROAT INFECTIONS amber, aqua-aura, aquamarine, beryl, blue-lace agate,
larimar, blue topaz
THYMUS (strengthens) albite, aqua-aura, blue quartz
THYROID atacamite, galena, chrysoprase, morganite, blue tourmaline
TOLERANCE chrysoprase
TONIC - GENERAL garnet, peridot
TOOTHACHE aquamarine, malachite
TRAUMA aqua-aura, aventurine, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz
ULCERS agate
VARICOSE VEINS yellow topaz
VITALITY (improving) agate, aventurine, bloodstone, orange calcite, diamond
VOCAL PROBLEMS chrysoprase
WILL POWER chrysoprase, rutilated quartz, tiger's eye
WISDOM jade, lapis lazuli, ruby, turquoise
WOUNDS carnelian
Star of David Pendant
What is the Vogel Star of David?
By Natalie Anastasio Pescetti, C.N.
The symbol of the Star of David has been known for thousands of years in religious traditions, as the shield of God. More well known in Judaism, this symbol also has shown significance in other spiritual traditions such as Islam, Hinduism, and Occultism.
The Star of David has symbolized protection and strength to many who wear the symbol. In Judaism, the Star of David, an extension of the Divine, or God, shielded the Biblical David in his battles. It also carries with it the number seven, six for each side, plus the center of the symbol. The seven symbolizes the seven Archangels Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Zadkiel who guide and protect us. This energy of the Archangels directs us in subtle, personal ways, and protects us from attacks from darker energies.
The hexagram, or 6 pointed star, is also a mandala symbol in Hinduism, that represents a perfect meditative state and balance between us, and the divine or etheric world. This represents an energy of being released from the trappings and bounds of the material world, and achieving a state of ’nirvana.’ The downward triangle on the front symbolizes the sacred embodiments of the feminine, while the upward triangle on the back represents the masculine focus. These two energies intertwined ultimately represent the most powerful energy of all, creation.
In the metaphysical/crystal world the Star of David gained momentum of power and use because of IBM scientist, researcher, and crystal alchemist Marcel Vogel (read What Are Vogel-Cut Crystals?). Not only did Marcel discover that quartz crystal shaped into sacred geometry wand form could induce a powerful healing effect, but that a pendant could do so as well. The only pendant that Marcel designed based upon the Sacred Geometry blueprint himself, the Star of David was his vice for protection and regeneration in his personal and professional life. He found that wearing the pendant allowed him to stave off energetic residue from clients, students, or his audience, while still maintaining a level of sensitivity. It has been been reported effective for loved ones, and family members that you may inadvertantly give away your energy to.
This powerful Vogel Star of David pendant seems to be most beneficial for those who regularly engage with other people, whether in public speaking, sales, an active clientele, or also for those who feel extra sensitive to others opinions, judgments, and beliefs. This has been found to be one of the most important tools in our medicine bag for cementing or solidifying the foundation of the self, while venturing out into the great beyond of the external world. This is no doubt a powerful energy, being that many of us become our environment, rather than bring forth our own true nature. To shine our bright light outward, we must be focused and vigilant in awareness of who we are, verses who we are in reaction to the world around us.
History & Metaphysical Significance
The Star of David is an ancient symbol. It has been recognized as one of the most
fundamental sacred symbols for millennia, not
only in the Jewish tradition, but also in other
cultures and religious traditions. The form of a
six sided star which results from the merging of
two overlapping triangles is an archetypal one -
it is fundamental to consciousness. The symbol
depicts the union that creates life itself: the marriage of male and female, of heaven and earth,
of man with divinity. Although the symbol is
drawn two dimensionally, the symbol is actually
multi-dimensional. In it’s full dimensionality it is
a vehicle which often times is referred to as the
“Merkaba Vehicle”. It is this vehicle that allows
us to experience our own multi-dimensionality
during our physical lifetime. It is also the vehicle
that allows for incarnation to and from the spiritual plane into earthly experience. One can use
this vehicle to strengthen the connection with
the Divine.
The Star of David pendant combines
the magical properties of the ancient symbol
with the unique properties of quartz. This
particular depiction of the Star of David was first
developed by Marcel Vogel. The cut is unique
in that the faceting of the quartz creates the six
sided star. By placing an upright triangle on the
face of the stone and an inverted triangle on the
opposite face of the stone an energetic flow is
Vogel also discovered that quartz is an impeccable vehicle for cohering and amplifying energy.
(This is why quartz is a is a fundamental component in modern electronics).
As Vogel worked with quartz both in conventional experiments and in healing applications he
developed a simple method of clearing and programming his quartz tools. The technique developed can be used with any crystal - or any object for
that matter. It is just that quartz crystals are particularly good at holding a charge. The Vogel technique
incorporates two key concepts. The first is that
quartz has the innate ability to function as a psychotronic device. It can hold information in the form of
a thought, an emotion or a frequency almost indefinitely without loss of cohesion. The second key
concept is that the breath can be used as a vehicle
to place a thought, emotion or essence into quartz.
The act of doing this is referred to as “programming
you crystal”.
CLEARING YOUR CRYSTAL: Take a moment and bring into your being the essence of purity
- both the thought and the feeling of purity. Once
the connection with this essence is strong, fill your
lungs with it. Hold your breath and let the essence
build. Place your attention on the crystal. Use your
intention to place the essence of purity into the
crystal as you release a FORCED EXHALE through
the nose. This forced exhale allows the essence to
move as a whole thought form into the crystal. As
you look into the crystal with your mind’s eye you
should see any negative energy leave the crystal.
If you see a residue, shadow or unpleasant energy
still remaining, repeat the procedure until your crystal is clear.
clearing your crystal it is now ready to program.
We recommend using a simple program such
bringing the essence of peace into your being.
Allow this essence to fill you and build in your
lungs. Now bring the essence of Well-being
(yourself in perfect health, connected with the
Earth and Divine). Again, fill yourself and allow
this essence to build in your lungs - mingling
with the essence of Peace. Now bring in the
essence of Pure Love. Fill yourself with this essence. Place your attention on the crystal and
use a FORCED EXHALE through the nose to
intend those essences (your program) into your
The Star of David pendant can be worn two
ways. By placing the female side against your
body the crystal will draw prana (life force) from
you, flavor it with Peace, Well-being and Love
(your crystal’s program), amplify these qualities
and radiate them into your aura. This creates a
brilliant shield and provides psychic and energetic protection. It also magnetizes you to draw
those qualities in from the universe. By wearing
the male side against your body the crystal will
draw in prana from your environment. As this
life force passes through the crystal it is flavored
with Peace, Well-being and Love.
Pink Rhodochrosite
Pink Rhodochrosite...
Healing, comfort, harmony and friendship. Rhodochrosite promotes smooth energy flow, emotional expressiveness, kindness, tolerance, compassion and self-love.
It helps us live our spiritual beliefs, it facilitates the balancing of the emotional process such that the attunement to the higher self may be attained, and one's awareness and spirituality can be enhanced.
Rhodochrosite is the ultimate stone in helping your soul reach it's highest level. It will assist in the attainment of the solution to the puzzling concept relating to the contradiction of the duality of nature and the soul.
It further will assist in the acceleration of the expansion of the consciousness to both understand and initiate the practice of intensive relaxation, acceptance and balancing.
It removes tendencies toward avoidance or denial, and helps one to be more willing to accept and integrate new information while maintaining a clarity of intellect of the information already attained.
Pink Rhodochrosite..Assists Deep Emotional Healing ~
Pink Rhodochrosite is a strong stone to aid emotional healing. It encourages you to feel love for yourself... and its energy will assist you in meditation, to reach a state of joy and sublime happiness.
It's energy may stimulate your inner child... and bring a deep childlike happiness and joy into your life. It aids you to bring deep forgotten memories to the surface for healing.
♥ Why Would You Use It ♥
This interesting looking stone has a strong heart based energy.... and is an excellent stone to support and heal the emotions.
Pink Rhodochrosite is a powerful heart chakra stone... and like most heart chakra stones vibrates with the energy of love.
In this pink crystal, the love energy is directed towards your own self. It is a particularly active stone energetically, to heal you, if you don't have a good opinion of yourself. It also enhances your courage to look at those things that you have been unable to face previously... so that you can make changes in your life.
For women who have suffered from sexual abuse... it is a strong stone to heal you. It encourages you to forgive yourself... and to allow yourself to feel acceptance of your role in what happened to you.
If you have seen a piece of Pink Rhodochrosite stone and picked it up... but feel an aversion to its energy... it is quite possible that it may have stimulated an immediate reaction within you. This is a sign that it may aid you to find the answer to a deep hidden problem... that you have not been consciously aware of.
♥ Where Does It Come From ♥
Good deposits have been found in Argentina, but it also comes from Uruguay, Russia, South Africa and the USA. Its colour is in shades of pink-red and sometimes even orange- pink... with inclusions of various colours... including white, brown, yellow and orange.
♥ How To Use Pink Rhodochrosite ♥
While meditating with this stone... you may reach a state of sublime happiness... and make contact with the golden light... and bring through the intense joy that this enables.
By using Pink Rhodochrosite in meditation at the solar plexus chakra... it may help you to clear traumatic inner child emotional problems or even those that originate in a past life.
As an excellent way to use it is in meditation... having a piece that you can hold in your hand is a very beneficial way to use it.
The vibration of this stone works both within the solar plexus chakra and the base chakra to help you to clear negative emotional energy that have been trapped there by things that happened to you.
This stone could gently bring up painful memories... and it will help you to face them... even if they are difficult to believe. Once you have cleared these issues... you may find that your creativity may be enhanced... as you allow your potential to blossom.
On the physical level it may help to relieve asthma and some other respiratory problems, and may assist blood circulation and normalize blood pressure.
Beautiful Rhodochrosite jewellery made from this pink stone is lovely to wear... and this is the easiest way to keep the energy on your body.
This is a very attractive and unusual pink stone, and these lovely stones are one of the Zodiac Birthstones, so it will be easy to find it made into attractive pieces of jewellery.
Wearing a pendant close to your heart will be helpful to boost its action within the heart chakra. As it is both a Leo birthstone as well as a Scorpio birthstone, you should be able to get lovely Pink Rhodochrosite crystal jewellery.
♥ Who Should Use It ♥
It is common for many people to evade certain issues... even though you know that you feel a deep sense of mistrust of some person... at a gut level.
This strong reaction in the gut... or solar plexus chakra... could be because you have experienced severe traumatic experiences in your childhood... that are related to that person in some way.
Perhaps there are issues that you have not yet faced. Pink Rhodochrosite often works quite quickly... to aid you to bring them to the surface.
Once you begin to remember these issues... this gives you the ability to make choices on how you will deal with these on a conscious level within your life. These may have been so traumatic.. that you may have simply forgotten they occurred, out of self preservation.
Often you repress the memories of a certain event or events... because they made you feel so frightened. Sometimes these severe childhood events have also stopped you from allowing wonderful innate gifts or talents to emerge.
Be aware that many people need professional help to deal with these sorts of issues.
Once you allow yourself to remember these events... and they may have been terribly painful... you may be able to move forward in your life.
By simply putting a tumblestone or other piece of this stone in your pocket, the energy will benefit you.
♥ Combining It With Other Stones ♥
If you are using it for past life therapy, combine it with some of the high crystal energy stones such as Moldavite... to increase the depth of the journey or with Phenacite to enhance the strength of your inner visions. The energy of any other heart chakra stones will be helpful to combine with this stone. The vibration of the lovely Pink Tourmaline, Morganite, Rose Quartz Crystals, Pink Calcite, Pink Kunzite... Rhodonite or Emerald Stones may be combined with it to boost the love vibration. Lepidocrocite also resonates a powerful love energy within both the heart and thymus chakras. To help you to feel more courageous, you may like to combine them with Green Moss Agate, Presli Bluestone, Variscite or Tiger Iron. Whenever you do deep inner work, it is important to use psychic protection methods to ensure that no negativity attaches itself... when you open yourself to spirit. One of the strongest to use is Black Tourmaline... as it transmutes negativity into positivity... and is also a spiritual grounding stone... but there are others on the list of stones for either of these uses that you may also choose to use.
♥ In Summary ♥
Pink Rhodochrosite is a stone that will help you to release old inner child issues that may have been holding you back. Once you have cleared these problems, you may be able to move on... and have a happier and more joy filled life.
~ Healing Crystals For You.
golden rutilated quartz ring
Golden rutilated quartz meaning
Quartz stones that contains mineral inclusions are called "rutilated quartz" or "sagenite", popularly known as Venus-hair stone. Rutiles are small needlelike crystals. These may be red, black or brassy yellow.
Golden rutilated quartz integrates energy at many levels. It heightens the energy of other quartz stones and is an important healing stone.
Illuminates the soul
Cleanses and energizes
Removes barriers to spiritual growth
Filters negative energy
Rutilated quartz is an excellent stone to use if you need to change your direction in life.
It soothes dark moods, offerring relief from fears, phobias and anxiety. The needle inclusions add intensity and transmission power to the crystal.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Chrysoprase must be worn or laid on for quite a long time when used for healing purposes, it also must be cleansed briefly under running water before each use and then recharged overnight among a host of rock crystals at least every two weeks.
Scientific Properties:
Mohs Hardness of 7 with a trigonal crystal structure..
Chrysoprase is cryptocrystalline, which means that it is composed of crystals so fine that they can not be seen as distinct particles under normal magnification. This sets it apart from rock crystal, amethyst, citrine, and the other varieties of crystalline quartz which are basically transparent and formed from easily recognized six-sided crystals.
Other members of the cryptocrystalline quartz family include agate, carnelian, and onyx. Unlike many non-transparent members of the quartz family, it is the color of chrysoprase, rather than any pattern of markings, that makes it desirable.
mystical Properties:
Chrysoprase helps to make conscious what is currently unconscious. It's vibrations have a tranquilizing effect that seem to bring damaging subconscious thought to the foreground, where they can be assessed and dealt with properly.
Chrysoprase has been credited with a number of other powers, such as banishing greed, selfishness, carelessness, stirring the imagination. calming irritability and the pains of gout. It has been said to create happiness, enterprise, prudence adaptability, versatility, action, progress and adventure. Told to protect from evil dreams and demons, to bring success in new enterprises, and to make the wearer more cheerful.
If used in jewelry creations, chrysoprase should only be set or used with silver, and it will hold more power if it is carved in the shape of a heart.
And old Rumanian legend speaks of the owner of such a stone to have the ability to understand the language of lizards.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
ATTRIBUTES: Meteorites are stones that originate in outer space from particles of comets, the asteroid belt, and planets and have survived the fall through Earths atmosphere. The composition and color range of the meteorite is varied. There are three classes of meteorite: the irons, chondrites, and achondrites. The irons are comprised of mainly iron and nickel; the chondrites are comprised of stone, and the achondrites are comprised of very rare stony irons consisting of stone fragments and/or beautiful olivine crystals imbedded in a nickel-iron matrix.
Meteorites are a gift from another world. Many cultures consider the Meteorite to be sacred and are considered to have supernatural powers. Meteorite represents the energy of other worlds and allows for the access of this special energy to the user. The Meteorite may be used for balancing and aligning the energetic fields of the body. It enhances communication on this plane and may provide access to stored internal information relevant to ones needs. Meteorite encourages strength and stamina required for endurance. Meteorite gathers the loving energy of unknown cultures and presents it to the residents of the Earth, allowing for the realization that we are only guests on this planet. Meteorite assists with actualization of the purpose of our presence on this planet. Meteorite emits a trusting energy allowing one to be open to the exchanges of confidence. It provides introspection to the thoughts of enlightened beings and promotes the reality of All that is. Meteorite is an excellent stone for walk-ins; providing them with a stabilizing effect with respect to unfamiliar behavior patterns and new environments.
HEALING: In healing, Meteorite may be used in the treatment of anemia, strengthener for the blood and tissues, incoherence and melancholia. It may be used to assist one in understanding the physical body so that the body becomes one with the spirit. Meteorite offers strength and hope in the face of a long struggle or physical ailment.
Nickel-Iron Meteorites are almost completely metallic, being composed of blended nickel and iron. These meteorites are composed of the same material that forms the Earths core, and they may come from the cores of destroyed planets or the planet forming bodies called planetesimals. These meteorites can be sliced and etched, revealing patterns of cross-hatched lines, called Widmanstatten figures. These meteorites, in ancient times, were considered as a prized source of metal for making weapons.
Nickel-Iron Meteorite's high vibration intensity activates the kundalini channel along the spine. Nickel-Iron Meteorites are powered with the energies of the stars. Nickel-Iron Meteorite facilitates great awakenings and changes take the leap supported by the cosmic energies of Nickel-Iron Meteorite and enjoy the journey. Nickel-Iron Meteorites helps one develop patience on the spiritual path. Nickel-Iron Meteorites helps one find the spiritual in the most mundane of daily tasks and the enjoyment of the structure of routine in ones life. Nickel-Iron Meteorite is helpful in seeing projects through to completion. Nickel-Iron Meteorite bring emotional balance and help one develop and understand wisdom that come from emotional experiences.
In crystal body layouts or healing grids, Nickel-Iron Meteorite stimulates the third-eye and crown chakras preparing one for inner vision and spiritual awakening. Placed on the root chakra, Nickel-Iron Meteorite awakens the kundalini energies and provides a good source of grounding. When placed on the Solar Plexus chakra, Nickel-Iron Meteorite stimulates the right action honoring the gifts of spiritual awakening and transformation.
The energy of Nickel-Iron Meteorite combines well with Moldavite, Libyan Gold Tektite, and Tibetan Tektites
Left or right hand
General speaking, crystals that are used for the betterment of career, love and wealth (e.g. Citrine, Golden Rutilated Quartz, Green Phantom Quartz, Rose Quartz and etc.) should be worn on your left hand.
Wearing crystal bracelet on the right or left hand?
by Kaven Lim | post a comment
It will definitely yield different results by wearing crystal bracelet/bangle on different side of hand. In the nutshell, left hand is meant for inflow of energy. Conversely, right hand is meant for outflow of energy.
I believe everyone desires to get positive energy wherever possible and to get rid of any negative energy or ill-wishing qi from our body immediately. Here are some tips for your reference if you want to yield maximum results from your newly purchased or existing crystal bracelets/bangles.
What is the maximum number of bracelets you can wear at once?
There is no specific rule to limit on how many bracelets/bangles you can wear at once. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that the more you wear the more benefits you get. The key is you should rather count on quality of the crystal you wear instead of quantity and wear them according to your specific needs and requirements for better results.
As a simple rule of thumb, you should wear crystal bracelets/bangles more than double the quantity on your left hand as opposed to the right hand.
General speaking, crystals that are used for the betterment of career, love and wealth (e.g. Citrine, Golden Rutilated Quartz, Green Phantom Quartz, Rose Quartz and etc.) should be worn on your left hand. On the other hand, black colored crystals (e.g. Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Black Rutilated Quartz, Smoky Quartz and etc.) should be worn on the right hand in order to materialize your wishes made on the crystals worn on left hand expeditiously. Black colored crystals are very beneficial to balance and stabilize your energy field from left to right, top to bottom. Furthermore, black colored crystals are the powerful stones to remove and repel any negative or ill wishing energy from our body.
Our recommended combinations
Wearing Green Phantom Quartz bracelet (i.e. which benefits your career progression and boosts your income from hard works) or Rhodochrosite bracelet (i.e. which benefits relationships and love affairs) couple with crystal for abundance likes Citrine or Golden Rutilated Quartz bracelet on your left hand; wearing Black Obsidian or Black Tourmaline bracelet on the right hand.
Left hand = (Green Phantom Quartz or Rhodochrosite bracelet) + (Citrine or Golden Rutilated Quartz bracelet)
Right hand = Smoky Quartz or Black Tourmaline bracelet
These are the common combinations adopted by the people. However, if you want to further enhance or boost up the results in the desired field (e.g. career), you can add on to wear another similar colored crystal bracelet on the left hand. The best is to wear different type of crystal but in similar color as they produce distinctive benefits. For instance, you can add on to wear Actinolite Quartz together with Green Phantom Quartz and Citrine bracelets on the left hand to further enhance the results you desire in term of career progression and to avoid unemployment.
If you want to attract more benefactors and further enhance your love affairs or husband and wife intimacy, you can wear Rose Quartz together with Rhodochrosite, Moonstone or Pink Tourmaline bracelets on the left hand. These combinations are also the perfect choice for those who are experiencing impending relationship related crisis.
You can follow this simple rule to get whatever combinations you wish to achieve your desired benefits.
Golden rutilated quartz
Golden rutilated quartz meaning
Quartz stones that contains mineral inclusions are called "rutilated quartz" or "sagenite", popularly known as Venus-hair stone. Rutiles are small needlelike crystals. These may be red, black or brassy yellow.
Golden rutilated quartz integrates energy at many levels. It heightens the energy of other quartz stones and is an important healing stone.
Illuminates the soul
Cleanses and energizes
Removes barriers to spiritual growth
Filters negative energy
Rutilated quartz is an excellent stone to use if you need to change your direction in life.
It soothes dark moods, offerring relief from fears, phobias and anxiety. The needle inclusions add intensity and transmission power to the crystal.
Healing properties of rutilated quartz
Healers use this stone to aid respiratory difficulties, regeneration of cells, flow of energy throughout the body. It is considered an excellent balancing stone for a sad or weak heart.
Sources of rutilated quartz
Quartz with rutile inclusions are found in Madagascar, Brazil, South Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Germany and Switzerland.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Na Mo Tassa Bhakhawato Arahato Samma Sambudh Tassa
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If you have Buddhistic amulets and you have to leave home for business or work, it's not just snapping the chain of amulets and then wear it onto your neck--this is not correct because Thai amulets were finished by great teachers (Luang Phors or LPs) presided by Lord Buddha. Before wearing any amulets, it's a must to put amulets in your hands and chant to pay respect Lord Buddha and Luang Phor(s) who made and blessed those efficacious amulets. These are the sequence:
Step 1) Chant 3 times the salutation Mantra (Namo Mantra) paying respect to our first and greatest Teacher--Lord Buddha:
Na Mo Tassa Bhakhawato Arahato Samma Sambudh Tassa
Na Mo Tassa Bhakhawato Arahato Samma Sambudh Tassa
Na Mo Tassa Bhakhawato Arahato Samma Sambudh Tassa
Step 2) For Luang Phors who made & blessed the amulets you wear on your necks you respect them as your teachers, so you have to pay respect to them by chanting the below Mantra:
Yamahang KruAjariyang SaranangKato Imina SakkarenaTang
KruAjariyang AbhiPuChayami
TutiYampi Yamahang KruAjariyang SaranangKato Imina SakkarenaTang
KruAjariyang AbhiPuChayami
Tatiyampi Yamahang KruAjariyang SaranangKato Imina SakkarenaTang
KruAjariyang AbhiPuChayami
Then say invitation in your own languge to Lord Buddhas of all epochs, all Arahants, and Luang Phors who made and blessed the amulets you are going to wear to bless you on what you wish, such as life safty, wealth & fortune, Metta, progress on career, flourish business, etc.
Step 3) Close with the below blessing Mantra. All you wish as requested will be fulfilled by chanting this Mantra. The Mantra request to Tri Gems--Buddha, Dhamma,and Sangkha--to bless your desires fulfiled:
Buddhang PrasittiMae, Dhammang PrasittiMae, Sangkhang PrasittiMae
Step 4) After steps 1) + 2) + 3) have been done, then wear the chain of amulets onto your neck or put them in your shirt pocket if you have no chain.
Thai Amulets
FAQs on Thai Amulets
What is the name of the Buddha we pay respect to?
Phra Sri Sakkaya Muni, Kotama, Buddha. Sakkaya is the Lord's family name. He is the Buddha of our epoch.
Are there many Buddhas?
Yes, there are many Buddhas in various epochs, but we know only the names of 28 Buddhas. The last one is Phra Sri Sakkaya Muni Kotama. The 28 Buddhas are: TanHangKorn Buddha, MeDhangKorn Buddha, SaRaNangKorn Buddha, DheePangKorn Buddha, GonDhanYo Buddha, MangKalo Buddha, SuMaNo Buddha, ReWaTo Buddha, SoPheeTo Buddha, AnoMaDhassi Buddha, PaTumMo Buddha, NaRaDho Buddha, PaTuMutTaRo Buddha, SuMeDho Buddha, SuChaTo Buddha, PiYaDhassi Buddha, AtDhaDhasSi Buddha, DhammaDhassi Buddha, SitDhatDho Buddha, Tisso Buddha, Pusso Buddha, WiPassi Buddha, SiKhi Buddha, WesSaPhu Buddha, GoNaKaMaNo Buddha, GaKuSanDho Buddha, GasSaPo Buddha, and SakKaya KoTaMa Buddha or Phra Sri Sakkaya Muni, Kotama, Buddha.
Whose image on the amulet is?
Most of them are Lord Buddha, but many are Guru monks.
What do we have to do before we wear the amulets?
Before wearing amulets, please do this way :
- Make your mind calm, think of all your goodness you have done, and focus all your faith to the Buddha
- Put your amulets onto your hands, join your hands together
- Breathe in deeply and slowly
-Then chant 3 times of this initial Mantra:
The chanting verse means we are now paying respect to the Lord Buddha who has done the great goodness. Then request with your own language for his help, say "I, a humble one, invite the Lord Buddha and Luang Phor..... [name(s)] to sit on my head to protect me all day long and bring me a good luck, a victory, and a fulfilment of all my wishes."
Then say " BudDhang PraSitThiMae DhamMang PraSitThiMae Sangkhang PraSitThiMae." (sound)
The meaning of this Mantra is-may Lord Buddha, Dhamma and Sangkha or Triple Gems bless all my request
successful. And then wear the chain of amulets onto your neck.
What do we have to do if we want to take the chain of amulets out off our neck?
Just take it out off your neck and put all amulets in your hands. Join your hands together, say thanks to the Lord and Luang Phor(s) that protect us and let us come back home safely. Then bring them onto a high place.
Any restriction when wearing Thai Buddhistic amulets?
Yes, there are some restrictions:
-Don't bring amulets with you when you go to the low and improper place such as a brothel.
-Don't wear amulets when doing sexual activities.
-Don't go underneath the improper things such as the lady's skirt or someone's shoes, except you are on the inevitably compulsory environment such as going under a bridge or working in a skyscraper, etc.
Where is the place to park my amulets?
Put on a shelf, altar or any high place. Do not put them on the top of your bed, except you are single or sleep alone. If you want to keep them in your bed room, please put them in a higher drawer.
Is it true that the Buddha amulet can protect firearms?
Yes it is. But it also depends on the quality of your mind. The late Luang Phor Ngern of Wat Don Yai Hom, Nakorn Pathom Province, one of the greatest guru monks, once said that: the number-one mind with full-hearted trust in Lord Buddha's miracles, the gun will not bang or misfire; the number-two mind, the gun bang but the bullet misses; the number-three mind, the gun bang and the bullet hit the target but never penetrate into the body. So, when you hang Buddha amulets on your neck, you must have faith and trust on the Buddha!!
How can I know my amulets are authentic or fake?
You must often view the authentic pieces and remember their imprints, mass, and surface. We judge them by their physical appearances, that's the scientiffic way.
Can I check them with my intuition?
Checking with intuition can do only by a monk or any lay person who has meditative power. But almost all ordinary people don't know who really have this power. So, checking the authenticity or fake of an amulet with an intuition is not accepted in amulet-commerce arena.
Can an amulet lose its power?
Yes, if the amulet finishes blessing by SaiyaVeja(black magic), it will sooner or later lose its power. But if the amulet finishes by Buddhistic meditative power, it will be there forever. However, one will not be protected even he is hanging amulets but doing evils or improper action. That means the Lord Buddha will not be with him.
Does it need to re-blessed an Buddha amulet after hanging for long years?
No, no need to do that. But if you have an Buddha amulet on your neck, it's a must to abstain from doing evils. And if you wholeheartedly pay respect to the Buddha as if he is still alive, he will exactly protect you and bless you a great success.
Someone says that the Buddha is still alive, is that true?
Yes it is, one who says that is presumed that he has a knowledge of the 4th-dimension world which overlaps the world we are now living. I strongly confirm here our Lord Buddha is still alive even he passed away more than 2543 years ago; if not, he cannot protect us. The Lord is at the great grand place call Nipphan Celestial. But the enlightened one can be omnipresent at any place on this universe with unlimited bodies. So he can help every body at the same time. If you really have meditative power, you can meditatively reach there and pay respect to him directly. You will never be convinced on this until you reach there by yourself.
Is an expensive amulet better than a cheap one?
No, it is not. The Buddha power in an amulet does not depend on the price but on:
1. Who creates it? If the amulet is created by the great guru monk who has Samatha and Wipassana Yana ( the great knowledge on advanced meditation), he could invite Lord Buddha of every epoch and all Arahants to charged the great power onto the amulet. Do you know, a lot of people were saved from fatal accidents just their necks hanged 10 Baht-value (about 25 US Cents) amulets !! So, the rich and the poor are equal to receive protection from our Lord Buddha.
2. How clean and how good-intended on that creation. In the old times, almost all guru monks had very clean and good-intended mind because they aimed at the future-to-be Buddha, so they devoted their lives to help build a lot of facilities in many temples. That means tons of money are needed to buy raw materials for construction, so amulets were created to present to donors as a gift in exchange. The good examples on this are Luang Phor Doem of Wat Nong Pho and Luang Phor Parn of Wat BangNomKho, both Luang Phors helped build more than 30 temples!! At present times, we still have very good guru monks but not as many as in the past. So, if you would like to collect the newly-made amulets, you should have to ask yourself with some of these questions: who create them and do they have advanced meditation knowledge, what for, and who are invited to perform the blessing ritual, etc.
What is Phra Pidta? 什么是帕Pidta?
This has been the most popular question among many amulet hobbyists or collectors. Some say it is Maha Thera Sanghajay while some said that it is a fighter…the list goes on and on. In the 1970s, it was illegal to wear an image of Phra Pidta in Singapore, and therefore a negative reputation was casted upon this sacred image by people outside of this amulet circle. It has been perceived that such an amulet with such an image was spurring the bearer to commit crimes and yet not to be caught, to involved in fights but yet little or no danger or hurt will be inflicted upon them. Despite of such, it’s mysteriousness and popularity continued to current times. For example, a beautiful piece of Phra Pidta Ven. LP Kron, Wat Bangsek, can fetch up to one or two millions THB in value and yet there are elite hobbyist or collectors whom are still searching for it.
Phra means Monk or amulet and Pidta means close eyed. The image of this person closing its face with his palms is a symbolical image of Maha Thera Sanghajay in Sammabart meditation. In Sammabart meditation one will go into deep absorption, as a result jhanas will appear. Usually at high levels of jhana super-normal powers may occur, things like walking through walls or stopping bullet(s) just like it was in the movie when Keanu Reeves in Matrix Trilogy.
Sammabart Meditation
As some of you or most of you would have known by now, some Ven. Krubas or Luang Pu, especially in the Nothern Thailand, practises Sammabart meditation. It is a rigorous and intensive meditation where they can spend days, weeks or even months in complete solitude. At times you will not believe the extend on the passion of veneration some devotees have, they may stay entirely in a far changwat (district). They can drive or fly many hours just to bring food and monk requisites to wait for the Teacher to exit his Sammabart meditation. And the scene is just awesome….jaw-dropping to be exact, the entire space is filled with people waiting patiently and quietly for The One to open his senses.
That is the symbolical meaning in wearing Phra Pidta. That we will always be blessed with Maha Metta, Maha Lap and Maha Niyom so that where ever we go, we will make good and easy earnings/livings. It will enhance our ability to attract benefactors that will help us when we are in need.
Supernormal feats of Jhana attainments
Many of us have heard of strange encounters, most rather unbelieveable stories with regards to Phra Pidta. We will not share them here because we don’t want to give people a negative impression in encouraging people or youths especially to commit crimes.
To quote you from Buddhist Texts, as regards to super-normal feats due to jhanas attainments;
“Having been one, you become many; having been many, you become one; you appear and vanish; you go unhindered through a wall, through a rampart, through a mountain as though through space; you dive in and out of the earth as though it were water; you walk on water without sinking as though it were earth; seated cross-legged, you travel in space like a bird; with your hand you touch and stroke the moon and sun so powerful and mighty; you exercise mastery with the body as far as the brahma world.” – Samyutta Nikaya 12.70
“And then the Buddha came to the River Ganges. And some people were looking for a boat, and some were looking for a raft, and some were binding together a raft of reeds to get to the other side. But the Buddha, as swiftly as a strong man might stretch out his flexed arm or flex it again, vanished from this side of the Ganges and reappeared with his Order of monks on the other shore.” – Digha Nikaya 16.1.33
Perhaps this may explain to you why bearer of an image of sacred Phra Pidta may help a person to avoid danger or unfortunate incidents. Of course, faith is very important. In the past, people were simpler in thinking and when they meet good practising Reverend and receive a sacred piece of Phra Pidta from Reverend’s hand, and in times of danger, they undoubtedly heldfast to their Phra Pidta and atthitthan (wish). When such strong faith and sacredness of Phra Pidta intertwines….miracles happened. Now most people have very little faith to count on their amulets to save their life.
What determines the sacred energies of a Phra Pidta?
The Gaeji Archan. Needless to say, if a Teacher practises more Metta MahaLap, his amulets would be more of such a nature. If he practises more of Kungkhapan, then his amulets would be of Kungkhapan. Of course there are some very well attained Teachers that can consrecate amulets of any nature intended.
The materials. Generally, amulets made from pong/powder or wan/herbs will be more of Metta Mahalap. Leklai, leknampi, or other metals will be more of Kungkhaphan and Klaewkard.
The puthaphisek. The better the puthaphisek, the better the energies, of course. It’s another different and eloborate discussion on how is it considered a good puthaphisek. We will share when the opportune arises.
Before I end this introduction, I would like to stress that no Phra Pidta or other sacred amulets can ever help any person to commit crime. As Buddhist we have to accept the cause and effects of Karma. Nothing happens without a cause….nothings is coincidental…when your Karma reapens, events will actualize.
Moss Agate
Moss Agate is one of the most powerful stones belonging to the Agate family. This stone is said to be the stone of new beginnings and seems to have got its name from the green patches of color, which resemble moss growing on a rock.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Pi Yo Tay Wa Ma, Nok Sa Nam
Pi Yo Prom Ma Na, Mu Tar Mo
Pi Yo Na Kar Su Pang Na Rang
Pi In Tar Read Yang Na Ma Mi Hung
Hit Chi Tang Pi Yang Mak Mak (3 times)
Pidta Mantra
Pidta Mantra
Pi Yo Tay Wa Ma
Nok Sa NamPi Yo Prom Ma Na
Mu Tar MoPi Yo Na Kar Su Pang Na Rang
Pi In Tar Read Yang Na Ma Mi Hung
Hit Chi Tang Pi Yang Mak Mak (3 times)
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