Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Green rutilated Quatz 綠髮晶

Green rutilated quartz pendants promote the spiritual heart's expansion. Draws off negative energy, to protect the heart. Green rutilated quartz breaks down barriers to working from the heart. Excellent to help with recovery from exhaustion and energy depletion

Rutilated quartz, also referred to as "the hair of Venus" or sagenite, is a wonder to behold. This quartz crystal has hair-like inclusions within it. The stone can be worn as jewelry, placed around the home or carried in a pocket as a touchstone. There are some interesting properties to consider when dealing with this type of crystal.
Chinese Name:綠髮晶
English Name:Green Rutilated Quartz / Actinolite Hair Quartz

Agate Fiery

Fiery and colorful Agate

Green Phaform Turned out to be red Phatform . I got it changed

Green  Phantom Turned out to be red Phantom . I got it changed . It is in " Huge weath vase" look .
I think she is nice ......

Friday, January 25, 2013

Crystal Guide Online

pink Tourmaline

Benefits of Wearing a Therapeutic Pink Tourmaline Necklace
Pink Tourmaline balances and empowers women by harmonizing the feminine and masculine aspects within them. It carries the feminine ray, which vitalizes the feminine aspect in all living beings. Pink Tourmaline gives women the power, understanding, and awareness to realize their full potential. It helps them realize how their feminine and masculine natures coexist and interact, and it encourages these aspects to achieve greater harmony.
Feminine and masculine energies are fundamental components of life, and both must be present for life to exist. Like the color rays, feminine and masculine energies have gemstone carriers: Pink Tourmaline carries the female energy, and Green Tourmaline carries the male energy. These gemstones act as energy sources to keep each gender independent and strong.
Pink Tourmaline also has a secondary mission. This is to protect its wearer from harmful external energies, such as electromagnetic radiation, microwaves, and the negative thoughts and emotions of others. It does this by forming a protective shield in the aura of any woman or man who wears it. This protective function is essential to Pink Tourmaline’s ability to carry out its primary mission. Pink Tourmaline helps protect a woman from the energies of other people’s concepts and attitudes while she is reevaluating herself, contemplating the changes she wants to make, and taking the steps to make those changes. (Note: Pink Tourmaline also offers this energetic protection to its male wearers.)
Centuries of oppression have led many women to believe that their masculine aspect is wrong; or it has taught them to believe that males in general are wrong, egocentric, and not as strong as they think they are. Yet women consist of both masculine and feminine energies. Therefore, until a woman releases her negative concepts about male energy, she will not be in harmony with herself. Pink Tourmaline helps a woman understand both her male and female aspects and improves communication between them, thereby creating inner and outer harmony.
Pink Tourmaline helps a woman understand and come to peace with her feminine and masculine aspects as it fosters the inner harmony and strength she needs to develop her true feminine power. The feminine energy is creative, visionary, and intuitive. Masculine energy fuels achievement. When these two aspects of a woman’s inner being are enhanced, the creative visionary meets the conquering hero. Pink Tourmaline helps a woman blossom into her true potential—with the power to get it done.
Pink Tourmaline’s energy dissolves disharmonious energies on all levels of being, in both the physical and subtle bodies. Therefore, its energy dissolves both the causes and effects of disharmonious conditions. Because of its mission regarding women, Pink Tourmaline has particularly strong and beneficial effects on a woman's reproductive system. It offers many effective treatments for ailments associated with women’s reproduction, such as uterine cramps and infertility. It can also be used to improve the overall tone of a woman’s reproductive organs.
The shield formed by Pink Tourmaline helps protect its wearers from external disharmonious energies. It does not protect them from their own inner disharmonies. If someone already experiences or expresses a certain disharmonious energy, it is difficult to protect that person from external forces of the same disharmony. For example, if you have greed within you, Pink Tourmaline cannot protect you from greed. It can protect you from disharmonies that are foreign to you. When people are protected, they have the freedom to be braver and more adventurous than they would otherwise be. They also have the freedom to think new thoughts and feel new emotions.
When a woman masters both her masculine and feminine aspects, there is nothing she cannot do. She will be limited only by how far she wishes to go. Pink Tourmaline can help women reach this state of strength, confidence, and balance.
A Specialized Tool
Unlike most of the other therapeutic gemstones that Gemisphere provides, Pink Tourmaline should not be worn as a solid necklace on a daily basis or even for more than a day at a time, because doing so can interfere with one’s essential energy flows. Pink Tourmaline is a highly specialized tool. When used properly and with focus, it can yield profound therapeutic benefits. However, to be worn as a necklace for an extended period, Pink Tourmaline must be harmoniously combined with other gemstones, such as in the Rubelle necklace.
When you wear a solid necklace of Pink Tourmaline around your neck, the Tourmaline forms a nearly impenetrable energetic shield. At first, the shield deflects only negative, foreign, or unwanted energies. However, the longer you wear the Pink Tourmaline, the stronger the shield grows. The energetic shield created by a solid necklace is so impenetrable that it disallows any feedback that would regulate its strength. If the Pink Tourmaline is worn long enough, all energies are deflected except those essential to life, and even these are negatively affected.
Wearing a solid Pink Tourmaline necklace can cause other problems, as well. Pink Tourmaline's energy enters the body through the lower four chakras and sometimes through the throat chakra. It exits only in a gentle flow through the brow chakra. Wearing even one solid necklace can bring more Pink Tourmaline energy into the body than the body can express through the brow chakra. Therefore, if you wear a necklace made entirely of Pink Tourmaline, the pressure of its energy will soon build in your head. Consequently, a headache or pressure in your brow is a sure sign that you have been wearing too much for too long. For this reason, a solid Pink Tourmaline necklace can distort your balance of mental energy and accentuate negative thought patterns. If you continue to wear this much Pink Tourmaline, your emotions will soon exhibit the same imbalances.
Therefore, you should not wear Pink Tourmaline as a solid necklace unless you are performing a specific therapy, doing something potentially dangerous, or entering a very disharmonious environment. Then, a solid necklace will allow you to focus more of your strength on the task at hand and less on self-protection. Wear the solid necklace around your neck for a maximum of 24 hours. Then, if you still require protection, place the solid necklace in a pocket.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Which to wear



左手能量通向中脉各脉轮: Left hand

右手掌管外部气场: The right hand
1,想赶走的就带右手,嫌钱太多,桃花太多那就戴右手吧。 The right hand


电气石 戴哪只手

  放射性宝石属高频率水晶,它可以放射能量,吸引、争取一些磁场,例如有关事业的绿幽灵、掌管钱财的紫黄晶及与健康有关的骨干水晶,都属放射性宝石,应该戴在右手。The right hand
  至于吸纳性宝石则属低频率,作用是吸纳凝聚一些能量,例如跟爱情有关的粉红晶及减少是非的黑曜石都属这类,应该戴在左手。Left hand.
  2、钛晶、黄晶、绿幽灵等一般人用来求财,则建议配戴于左手。Left hand.

电气石概说  Tourmaline

电气石概说  Tourmaline











绿色电气石中有一种亮绿色的品种,称为铬电气石(Chrome Tourmaline),这种电气石是新近发现的品种,其颜色较明亮,与一般的绿色电气石不同.


巴西的帕拉依巴(Paraiba)地方,出产极为优良的电气石晶体,就称为帕拉依巴电气石(Paraiba Tourmaline),是极为高价的电气石品种.

其他颜色中,无色与黄棕色(Dravite Tourmaline)者较为稀少;黑色电气石(Schorl Tourmaline)则因产量太大,颜色又不算美观,因而很少被用在珠宝业上.













Tourmaline Healing Properties 电气石

Tourmaline Healing Properties

Tourmaline crystal ♥ Flexibility ♥ Happiness ♥ Objectivity ♥ Compassion ♥ Serenity ♥ Balance ♥ Positive transformation ♥ Healing ♥ Strength ♥ Tolerance ♥ Understanding
Tourmaline is a crystal silicate mineral and a variety of Quartz.  Tourmaline is an 8th Anniversary gemstone. 
Chakras - (depending on colour)
Zodiac - Virgo, Libra
Typical colours - Most commonly black, but can range from brown, violet, green, pink, or in a dual-coloured pink and green (watermelon).
Tourmaline aids in understanding oneself and others.  It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear.  Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity.  It balances the right-left sides of the brain.  Helps treat paranoia, overcomes dyslexia and improves hand-eye coordination.  Tourmaline releases tension, making it helpful for spinal adjustments.  It balances male-female energy within the body.  Enhances energy and removes blockages.
In addition to the generic healing properties of Tourmaline, specific colours have additional attributes:
Black Tourmaline crystalBlack Tourmaline - also known as Schorl
Chakras - Base Chakra
Zodiac - Capricorn
Black Tourmaline can be used to both repel and protect against negativity.  It is excellent for deflecting radiation energy.  It enhances ones physical well being by providing an increase in physical vitality, emotional stability, and intellectual acuity.
Blue Tourmaline - also known as Indicolite
Chakras - Throat Chakra
Zodiac - Libra, Taurus
Planet - Saturn
Green Tourmaline
Chakras - Heart Chakra
Zodiac- Capricorn
Planet - Mercury
Pink Tourmaline
Chakras - Heart Chakra
Birthstone - October

(1) 产生负离子
负离子又称为[ 空气的维生素 ],具有调节人体离子平衡作用,能使身心放松,活化细胞,提高自然治愈率等作用,并能抑制身体的氧化或老化,现代的环境具有许多促使正离子生成的要因,身体经常处于紧张状态,因此,负离子是现代人不可或缺的物质,此外,负离子也具有除臭的功效。
(2) 电解水
(3) 缩小水分子束
(4) 放射远红外线(波长4—14微米的红外线)
(5) 含有有效微量矿物质
﹡ 电气石能吸收油漆、胶体等产品所发出的异味。用于建筑装潢粉刷内墙,可吸附油漆、胶体、涂料所发出的异味。在涂料中加入少量的超细电气石粉、刷在内墙和天花板上,不但可以迅速吸除异味、还能长期吸除烟味。
﹡电气石粉用于纺织行业,可做环保炭布,超细电气石粉制成超细纤维, 可制成防磁、防潮、保暖棉被、棉垫、防电磁辐射衬衫、背心、鞋垫等。电气石粉能吸收油漆、胶体等产品所发出的异味。用于建筑装潢粉刷内墙,可吸附油漆、胶 体、涂料所发出的异味。在涂料中加入少量的超细电气石粉、刷在内墙和天花板上,不但可以迅速吸除异味、还能长期吸除烟味。电气石粉用于纺织行业,可做环保 炭布,超细电气石粉制成超细纤维,可制成防磁、防潮、保暖棉被、棉垫、防电磁辐射衬衫、背心、鞋垫等。
﹡用于保健品、化妆品,用宝石类的电气石超细后,颜色变白、加入化妆品或护肤霜中,因电气石中含有微量的对人体有益的 B 、 F 、 SRLI 等元素,化妆品原料经过电气石处理过后,营养成分的分子结合缩小,使营养可以通过皮肤细胞间的缝隙,甚至能够到达生成皮肤细胞的真皮。能实现祛斑防皱恢复皮肤弹性等效果。可制成乳液、洗面奶、晚霜、沐浴露、化妆水、 面膜、粉饼等等化妆护肤品,有消痘、祛斑、美白等功效,用于洗发水中去头皮屑效果相当好,电气石超细粉受热差后产生远红外,由此可刺激活化人的面部肌肤, 而达到消毒杀菌、去除色斑、治疗青春豆、治溃疡性皮肤炎等皮肤疾病。还可以将电气石放入浴池中,能活化水质对人体的沐浴效果。
随着高新技术的开发与发展,日本科技界将电气石广泛用于环抱、医疗、日用化工、塑料、 建筑装潢、国防、负离子发生装置、健康衣料及保健品、化妆品、卷烟、配药、 汽车、 涂料、改良土壤、水质处理、净化空气以及屏蔽电磁辐射等高科技领域。


adapted from


绿发晶绿发晶就是包含了针状矿石内包物的天然水晶,这些排列组合不同的毛发针状矿物质分布在在水晶的内部,整体 看起来就像是水晶里面包含住了发丝一样,绿发特质绿发晶里的发晶内部的矿物质有电气石(碧玺)或者是阳起石。绿光系列水晶都主事业,可带来好运气及好机会,并有贵人相助,磁场能量强烈。











Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Phantom Quartz

I brought a green phantom but it gives out red .
Anybody can give me idea of what is this??

This bracelet is made up of beautiful Phantom Quartz beads with a lovely shine. Wear it with other crystal jewellery or on its own for easy style.

Phantom Quartz symbolizing the many lifetimes of the soul, a Phantom facilitates broader spiritual awareness and assists with transitions. Physically, this stone activates healing ability and facilites healing the physical body through amendments to the etheric blueprint. It is a stone for "career" which will help you to get your dreamed job and employed easily.

Wear this Green Phantom Quartz bracelet will not only improve your career opportunities but also wealth luck. Besides, it is a protective stone for your heart. The red inclusions will help to alleviate your works related stresses, to heal kidney or liver related illness, to promote better inter personal relationship with colleagues and people around you as well as to attract benefactors.

You are advised to wear it on your left hand during the normal working hours but on your right hand if you are required to attend meeting or meet up important customers/clients or any event which require you to do presentation or sell ideas. Wearing Green Phantom Quartz will increase your productivity at works and to obtain better rewards in returns (e.g. higher salary increment, promotion and etc).

For those are applying for a new job, you are advised to wear it on your right hand during the interview session in order to improve your chances of success and to beat the competitors. Remember to program your crystal with “to get a dreamed work successfully”.

Key benefits
  • Keep you grounded and protected, creating psyhic shield.
  • Rapidly absorbs negative energy and toxins and clears a build-up of negative energy anywhere in the body or environment.
  • Ameliorates panic attacks, stabilizes bi-polar disorder and helps with self-realization.
  • Facilitates angelic contact and clarifying clairaudient communication.
  • It alleviates despair and helps you feel supported.
  • Agate

    Pierre d'Agate
    Agate Stone
    Banded Agate from India Banded Agate from India
    Quartz is one of the most common minerals on earth, but the quartz family is actually made up of two separate branches. When most people think of quartz, they think of what is known as macrocrystalline quartz, which includes rock crystal, amethyst, citrine, smoky quartz and rose quartz. Macrocrystalline quartz, as the name suggests, has large crystals which can be distinguished by the naked eye. This type of quartz is mainly transparent to translucent, with a vitreous luster.
    The other type of quartz is known as cryptocrystalline quartz. It has microscopically (or submicroscopically) small crystals and is usually translucent to opaque, with a waxy to greasy or dull luster. This kind of quartz has fibrous and granular subcategories. The fibrous varieties are known under the name chalcedony, but this name covers a remarkable variety of stones.
    Dendritic Agate from India Dendritic Agate from India
    In practice, the name chalcedony refers to solid colored cryptocrystalline quartz, especially of a light color. The patterned varieties tend to have their own names. The most famous of these include agate, distinguished by its bands of colors; onyx, black and white layered (usually dyed to produce a uniform black); carnelian, a yellow-orange to reddish-orange, colored by iron; and chrysocolla, a rare vivid blue-green colored by copper.
    The patterns of agate are so distinctive that a number of different varieties are commonly identified in the trade. They include eye agate, which forms ring shapes with a point in the center; dendritic agate, distinguished by its moss-like patterns; and fire agate, with an unusual iridescence.
    Agate was used as a gemstone by the Egyptians at least 3,000 years ago. In modern times, agate has a special association with the Idar-Oberstein region in Germany. Idar-Oberstein was an important source of agate until the 19th century, and the region was favored with good local sandstone for producing cutting and polishing wheels, and water power to work the wheels.
    Fire Agate from Mexico Fire Agate from Mexico
    Fortunately for Idar-Oberstein, large deposits of agate were discovered in Brazil in the 1830's, just as the agate mines in Germany were starting to be worked out. The agate polishing industry in Germany flourished as a result and produced high quality object d'arts, beads, rings, pendants, brooches and cameos.
    Today agate continues to be mined in Brazil, but also in Uruguay, India, Australia, China, Madagascar, Mexico, Mongolia and Namibia.

    Agate I Got . I wore it today .

    Agate also has a very interesting emotional reaction. Many stones change what we feel, or dissipate negative emotions. However, agate helps our level of acceptance. For example, if you are sad the agate will help you understand what happened, what made you sad, and reassures you that the sadness is temporary and will pass. The same if you are angry, or nervous. While this tends to work better in a near meditative state, it can also work while experiencing the emotion















    The green Phantom

    This polished crystal will knock your socks off!
    The green Phantom within this crystal is just divine and I can truthfully say it would have to be the most exquisite phantoms I’ve ever come across.
    The lovely green Chlorite phantom rises up through the centre of the crystal and is just waiting to open up and assist you with your work. When you look side on into the quartz, you see that the Chlorite Phantom shards rise up on top of each other. These Phatom shards remind me of the Sydney Opera House.
    The faces on this crystal are clear that will allow you to gaze at the glittery rainbow in its point. There are not one but two channelling faces on this crystal that are just waiting for you to work with them.
    Metaphysical Properties
    Clear quartz is comprised of silicon dioxide and is one of the most common mineral compounds found on earth. At times Clear Quartz can be cloudy or have a milky look at the bottom of the crystal. You will find that the crystal will become clearer as you reach the terminated peak(s).
    It is said to demonstrate the ability to activate the purity and unity in every part of a person's DNA and helps a person to reach a state of union within their physical self. This is because the crystal reflects a pure white light. This crystal has been used for thousands of years to keep a person's thoughts clear as well as their feelings and actions.
    You will find that it radiates with divine light... leaving positive energies on everything it comes in contact with. This crystal is also a great grounding stone.
    It vibrates on all colour frequencies and helps to remove unwanted energies by dissolving them. It also assists with the healing process.
    Clear Quartz is known as the "Master Healer" and is able to stimulate the immune system while balancing the body and mind. It can also assist to heal burns on a body. The lovely Clear Quartz has the capability to attune its self with different energies and it can magnify the energy it has attuned to by at less10%. Located all over the world... this crystal can soak up, store and release energies from a person or a crystal.
    You will find that inside a Clear Quartz that there are cloudy areas which are known as inclusions. These inclusions help the user to see that there are more realms than just the physical one that we are living in and that our world is truly endless.
    Clusters are formations of single terminated crystals which share a common base. The crystals within the cluster all live together in harmony and peace. This helps the user to achieve a sharing, peaceful and harmonious environment to the community in which they live or work in. These clusters are ideal for group settings.
    Placing jewellery and other crystals on a cluster can remove unwanted energies and recharge the crystal(s). People have placed photos of family and friends on the cluster or next to it so the cluster can send positive energies to them.
    You can find hundreds of single terminated points on a quartz cluster, or you can find as few as two. Small clusters are ideal for healing, mediation and layouts. The larger ones are more used in homes, next to a computer or in are placed in rooms to remove unwanted energies.
    Rainbows symbolise both sadness and happiness and they can assist a person who are dealing with disappointment or depression. When place on the heart chakra it can help to bring joy back into a person's life.
    Chlorite loves to increase a person’s spiritual development. It is more commonly Green, but can be brown, black, a, red, purple, yellow, cream and even white. This lovely mineral helps to assist a person to in harmony with all living things.
    This crystal loves to help people to face their fears and move forward from them. It opens a person creative side and allows a person to realise who they really are and embrace this side with love and understanding.

    Chlorite works well with people who wish to remember their dreams. It is also an excellent stone to use if you want to lift the levels of vibrations you are working with... e.g. psychic, mediumship and/or healing work.

    Phantom quartz looks like a Clear Quartz crystal but it has what looks like another crystal within it, and it can best described as a shadow within the quartz.
    Phantom crystals are said to help you see the best perspective when you find yourself at a cross road in your life. It also helps its owner recognise their position in the universe.
    Phantom crystals helps improve a person’s instincts and is capable of rejuvenate the users energies. They are crystals of universal healing and a good crystal to use if you want to open your clairaudience... (Allowing messages to come through a lot clearer.)

    Another great quality of the Phantom quartz crystal is that it has a amazingly strong energy field that protects everything in a room where it has been positioned. This field of energy helps to keep away negative energies and turn them into positive energies. (It can also be carried on the body for the same affect.)

    It symbolises universal awareness... and also lets a person gain access the Akashic Records. This stone can assist a person open up to their past lives and let you gain access to hidden memories which can help to put the past into perspective.

    It has a great healing energy and is helpful for healing emotional issues.
    The "seven" sided face on a crystal symbolises the intuitive realm of a person’s higher mind. It assist person to have understanding physical and spiritual realms. This lovely crystal opens a person up to the student, teacher and the seeker of wisdom that is locked within their DNA.
    The three-sided triangle on the opposing side offers to user to open up to their creative side and lets a person express themselves with their words more clearly.
    The channelling crystal assists a person with their channelling and opens them up to the wisdom from the spiritual realms as well as the physical realm. The enjoy bringing love and understand of people, events and on oneself. They help you to connect with your guides and pass on messages from our spirit friends. 





    Tektite is a meteorite that fell to earth many years ago. It helps one to release 
    any undesirable experience, allowing the lesson of the experience to remain 
    the focus and the spiritual aspect of the experience.

    My Obession With Crystal .I need to STOP IT

    I had been very obessed with Crystal . I brought one rose quataz dragon tortise . I hope it will bring me stability in my job . I also brought  green platform crystal . I had been spending till my credit limit is reach . I need a good friend to remind me .

    I always remember he say dont be like James . But then one of my ST collegues had benefit from it . That time I brought an brass dragon tortise and I place behind her . She shared with me she instantly gain promotion .

    The next thing I planning to buy is Kunite . It say to clear obstables in your relationship . Lately I had alot of obstables in my relationship at work with  P . I was so upset today that I was given 2 day MC . I decided to utilise today MC  .

    Well , I would share with you all , What are the effects of crystal had on me .

    I spend alot on crystal .
    Things I brought

    • Agate - 49.90

    Agates attract strength. Agate is a protection from bad dreams. It also protects from stress and energy drains. 
    Agate is used for stomach upsets. Place the agate on the solar plexus. The agate can't change emotions, but helps to change our level of acceptance of the emotion. Such as when you are very sad the agate will let you know that this will pass and help you get on to another and better day. This is why the Agate is considered so powerful as it gives us the strength to carry on. Carry an agate when you have to make an important decision.


    • Kunzite  - It state to relieve depression - Forgot How much I spend on it . over 100 ??

    Wear kunzite to be blessed with good fortune. Its soft pastel colors symbolize purity. It can also be a sign of new lifeand is sometimes regarded as a symbol for pregnancy.
    Kunzite is a calming, relaxation stone:
    • Releases tension
    • Promotes a peaceful disposition
    • Emits exceptionally tranquil vibrations

    Kunzite opens the heart to all forms of love.

    The gentle energy of kunzite helps to release blocks in matters of the heart and allows one to move to a more receptive state. It is an especially wonderful gift stone, opening a silent communion of joy and delight.

    Healing properties of Kunzite

    Gaze at or hold a kunzite to release daily stress, smooth out knotted muscles, calm nerves, anger or fear.
    Yes I got alot of fear . I wonder if my Kunzite is too small

    Howlite -Cliam to solve insomia . I had terrible insomia $49.90

    Howlite has an extremely calming energy and can be used to relieve anxiety, tension and intense emotions. It is said to be able to calm the mind reducing fretful thoughts and helping you to relax in preparation for sleep or meditation. If you suffer from insomnia, caused by racing thoughts at bedtime, a piece of Howlite placed under your pillow or grided around your bed may help.
    Howlite is said to help calm unreasonable anger, either your own or that directed at you. Carrying a piece around with you, in your pocket, can act as a shield against rage and can encourage reasoned and calm communication.
    Howlite is thought to help you become aware of your goals and ambitions and to aid you in achieving them. It is also said to encourage patience, to reduce a tendency to over criticize and to promote selflessness.
    In healing Howlite is believed to help balance calcium levels, aiding teeth and bones.

    Howlite Gemstone meaning

    Howlite can be found in green, white and blue. It is a super-calming stone and many people use it to releive stress of all kinds. It makes an excellent antidote to insomnia due to an overactive mind.
    Focusing on a piece of howlite can assist in journeying outside the body and gaining insight from past lives. Placed on the third eye, it opens memories of previous times and lifetimes.

    Howlite teaches patience

    Place a howlite stone in your pocket to absorb your own anger - or another's anger that is directed toward you. It helps to overcome critical or selfish behaviour.

    Healing properties of howlite

    • Relieves insomnia
    • Balances calcium levels
    • Strengthens teeth and bone

    Critine  - State that it is wonderful stone who need not to charge as it automatic changes negativity to positivy$ 49.90

    Citrine is a yellow-to-golden member of the quartz mineral group. A deep golden variety from Madiera Spain can resemble the costly imperial topaz gem stone, which is one reason that citrine is a popular birthstone alternative to those born in November.
    Citrine has been called the "stone of the mind". Ancient cultures believed that placing a citrine on the forehead of an elder would increase his psychic power.

    Money energies of citrine

    Citrine is known as the lucky "Merchants Stone". If you are in any type of sales, just put a citrine in the cash drawer and watch what happens. Also used by healers to:
    • increase self esteem
    • protect from the negative energy from someone else's abuse
    • open the mind to new thoughts
    • promote clarity of thought

    Healing properties of citrine

    Citrine is sometimes used by healers to help with digestion as it is considered beneficial to the endocrine and digestive system - cleansing, purifying and eliminating poisons that have built up. Citrine is an excellent stone to calm and soothe distressed conditions. Some use it to help relieve depression, digestive problems (including constipation and diabetes). It will give joy and love to the owner.
    Rose quataz dragon tortise
    Rose quataz bangles

    Rhodochrosite Over 200?
    Chrysoprase Jewelry-
    • encourages hope and joy
    • helps clarify problems
    • has been used as a cure for restlessness
    • protection on sea voyages
    Chrysoprase Over 200?
    is used to speed the healing of any wound. It should not be placed on the body, but held over the affected area. Carry a Chrysoprase in a pocket to help heal. Also keep a Chrysoprase close to your bed at night to speed healing.
    Chrysoprase is used as a shield or protector from negative energy.
    Tourmalines: 200
    he soothing blue color promotes a calming effect, and offers relief from stress.

    Indicolite brings joy and happiness. It promotes harmony, tolerance and kindness.

    Some uses are:
    • to develop psychic gifts
    • to open doors and communication with the spiritual realm
    • to facilitate deep meditation
    • to better explore and understand past lives
    Pink tourmaline is a gentle stone that directly touches the heart! The color varies widely from pale pink to deep red
    Relaxing and nurturing, pink tourmaline is associated with feminine energies. It vibrates a deep resonance with the heart chakra. It has the potential to heal emotional wounds with its soft, soothinig energy to bring feelings of comfort and safety.

    Pink Tourmaline opens your ability to surrender to love!

    • Emotional balancer and cleanser
    • Alleviates stress and obsessive behaviour
    • Assists in changing patterns to better align with spiritual growth
    • Radiates kindness, tolerance
    Dravite is a brown variety of tourmaline. It is an ideal stone for self-healing, aids in finding emotional strength and self-acceptance. Dravite inspires courage and persistence. It calms and soothes, grounding and stabilizing the inner self.
    Use Dravite with these compatible stones to clear and ground the root chakra and provide psychic protection

    Green Tourmaline meaning

    All the tourmalines contain a wide scope of healing effects. The multi-colored tourmalines combine several qualities.
    Green Tourmaline (also known asVerdelite) brings a joy for life. It promotes an appreciation for the many wonders that life has to offer. It encourages patience and openness, as well as sincere interest in fellow human beings.
    The magical uses of this stone include the stimulation of creativity. It is also used toattract money and success in business.

    Healing properties of green tourmaline

    Green tourmaline strengthens the heart and offers detoxification effects.

    Red Coral - 62 buck

    Coral has been called the 'garden of the sea'. It was once believed to be a plant, but is now known to actually contain living animals called polyps. Coral is the result of accumulated skeletal masses from these polyps. Red is considered the most sought after color but coral also can be found in pink, white, yellow and black.
    Records dating back thousands of years confirm that coral was used in decorative art objects. It was believed to prevent ill fortune and offer protection from skin disease when worn as a necklace. Dreams about coral are believed to foretell recovery from a long illness. Ancients believed that Mars was composed of red coral.

    Coral is a good aid for meditation or visualization.

    Healing properties of coral

    Coral symbolizes life and blood force energy. Dark red coral is used for heating and stimulating the bloodstream. Pink shades restore harmony to the heart. It is used as an aid to depresion

    Smokey Quartz Gemstone meaning -Forget how much I brought Below 100?

    Smokey quartz is nature's stone of endurance. If you need a extra boost, carry a smokey quartz gemstone with you. It promotes:
    • Personal pride and joy in living
    • Creativity in business
    • Opens the path for perception and learning

    Smokey Quartz is a protection stone that cleanses and clears negative energy.

    Smokey Quartz is a grounding stone that transmutes negative energies and facilitates your ability to get things done in the practical world. It enhances organizational skills and is good to have around in the workplace or home office.

    Healing properties of Smokey Quartz

    Smokey Quartz is connected with the sounds of the universe. It makes you more aware of sounds including telepathic sounds. Smokey Quartz helps relieve depression.

    Crystal Quartz (Rock Crystal)- 49.90

     Gemstone meaning

    Quartz crystal is a clear variety of quartz that was first found high in the frozen mountains of the Alps. Ancient people believed it was a form of ice crystals that would never melt. It is said to have cooling powers and is a romantic stone. Sources of quartz crystal include Brazil, Madagascar, Switzerland, France and parts of the Soviet Union.

    Healing properties of Quartz Crystal

    Crystal is a common stone, but a powerful one. It is mainly used in healing as amplification for the energies of the other working stones. In healing, thecrystal point is best and the size can be important.
    For meditating the crystal ball or point can be used. As it is a powerful stone the user should experiment with each to find what is best for him.
    The Quartz Crystal has a similar vibration as humans. This is why using Crystal to meditate and keeping a Crystal helps one to know oneself. It will sometimes not work for a negative person.
    Golden Rutilated Quartz... Over 100? Forgottem .