This polished crystal will knock your socks off!
The green Phantom within this crystal is just divine and I can truthfully say it would have to be the most exquisite phantoms I’ve ever come across.
The lovely green Chlorite phantom rises up through the centre of the crystal and is just waiting to open up and assist you with your work. When you look side on into the quartz, you see that the Chlorite Phantom shards rise up on top of each other. These Phatom shards remind me of the Sydney Opera House.
The faces on this crystal are clear that will allow you to gaze at the glittery rainbow in its point. There are not one but two channelling faces on this crystal that are just waiting for you to work with them.
Metaphysical Properties
Clear quartz is comprised of silicon dioxide and is one of the most common mineral compounds found on earth. At times Clear Quartz can be cloudy or have a milky look at the bottom of the crystal. You will find that the crystal will become clearer as you reach the terminated peak(s).
It is said to demonstrate the ability to activate the purity and unity in every part of a person's DNA and helps a person to reach a state of union within their physical self. This is because the crystal reflects a pure white light. This crystal has been used for thousands of years to keep a person's thoughts clear as well as their feelings and actions.
You will find that it radiates with divine light... leaving positive energies on everything it comes in contact with. This crystal is also a great grounding stone.
It vibrates on all colour frequencies and helps to remove unwanted energies by dissolving them. It also assists with the healing process.
Clear Quartz is known as the "Master Healer" and is able to stimulate the immune system while balancing the body and mind. It can also assist to heal burns on a body. The lovely Clear Quartz has the capability to attune its self with different energies and it can magnify the energy it has attuned to by at less10%. Located all over the world... this crystal can soak up, store and release energies from a person or a crystal.
You will find that inside a Clear Quartz that there are cloudy areas which are known as inclusions. These inclusions help the user to see that there are more realms than just the physical one that we are living in and that our world is truly endless.
Clusters are formations of single terminated crystals which share a common base. The crystals within the cluster all live together in harmony and peace. This helps the user to achieve a sharing, peaceful and harmonious environment to the community in which they live or work in. These clusters are ideal for group settings.
Placing jewellery and other crystals on a cluster can remove unwanted energies and recharge the crystal(s). People have placed photos of family and friends on the cluster or next to it so the cluster can send positive energies to them.
You can find hundreds of single terminated points on a quartz cluster, or you can find as few as two. Small clusters are ideal for healing, mediation and layouts. The larger ones are more used in homes, next to a computer or in are placed in rooms to remove unwanted energies.
Rainbows symbolise both sadness and happiness and they can assist a person who are dealing with disappointment or depression. When place on the heart chakra it can help to bring joy back into a person's life.
Chlorite loves to increase a person’s spiritual development. It is more commonly Green, but can be brown, black, a, red, purple, yellow, cream and even white. This lovely mineral helps to assist a person to in harmony with all living things.
This crystal loves to help people to face their fears and move forward from them. It opens a person creative side and allows a person to realise who they really are and embrace this side with love and understanding.
Chlorite works well with people who wish to remember their dreams. It is also an excellent stone to use if you want to lift the levels of vibrations you are working with... e.g. psychic, mediumship and/or healing work.
Phantom quartz looks like a Clear Quartz crystal but it has what looks like another crystal within it, and it can best described as a shadow within the quartz.
Phantom crystals are said to help you see the best perspective when you find yourself at a cross road in your life. It also helps its owner recognise their position in the universe.
Phantom crystals helps improve a person’s instincts and is capable of rejuvenate the users energies. They are crystals of universal healing and a good crystal to use if you want to open your clairaudience... (Allowing messages to come through a lot clearer.)
Another great quality of the Phantom quartz crystal is that it has a amazingly strong energy field that protects everything in a room where it has been positioned. This field of energy helps to keep away negative energies and turn them into positive energies. (It can also be carried on the body for the same affect.)
It symbolises universal awareness... and also lets a person gain access the Akashic Records. This stone can assist a person open up to their past lives and let you gain access to hidden memories which can help to put the past into perspective.
It has a great healing energy and is helpful for healing emotional issues.The "seven" sided face on a crystal symbolises the intuitive realm of a person’s higher mind. It assist person to have understanding physical and spiritual realms. This lovely crystal opens a person up to the student, teacher and the seeker of wisdom that is locked within their DNA.
The three-sided triangle on the opposing side offers to user to open up to their creative side and lets a person express themselves with their words more clearly.
The channelling crystal assists a person with their channelling and opens them up to the wisdom from the spiritual realms as well as the physical realm. The enjoy bringing love and understand of people, events and on oneself. They help you to connect with your guides and pass on messages from our spirit friends.
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